Hi, my teacher doesn't teach us too well and we have a few packets to hand in for tomorrow that I really don't understand much of. If someone could give me the answers to all of the problems on the first link if you search "the electrical energy converted to thermal energy in the resistors in 10 seconds is" with quotes and the second link if you search "two teams engage in a tug-of-war with a rope held horizontal." also with quotes.

I would really appreciate it. I don't really need explanations, but if you can show some work for the free response that'd be great. I have done a couple, the few I could do, but I am really unsure about most and we have had very few things to base our grades off of so getting these right is a big deal.
Thank you very much

2 answers

Nuts to this. You just want answers to turn in. I assume your friends have quit feeding you answers.
or I've kept up with my homework and work this whole year except that our teacher just randomly decided to give us a ton of homework this weekend, and I have done all I can do. All of my friends are in the physics 1 class while this is physics 2 so no I cannot have answers from my friends