
My question is

I have in my text book it said that during the night of the 30th of June 1934 Hitler had his own personal bodyguards who murdered the leading members of the Nazi party who opposed Hitler.

My question is

How can leading members of the Nazi oppose hitler and they beleive in him ?

You can be members of the same party and not agree with your leader on some points. If these points are important enough, there might be rebellion. As an extremely autocratic leader, Hitler would squash any hint of rebellion.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

You are referring to the "Night of the Long Knives", at which time Hitler ordered the leaders of his Sturm Abteilung (S.A.) "brownshirt" organization arrested. They had by that time acquired more power than the German Army and had the potential and possible desire to overthrow Hitler. Hitler was persuaded by his closest associates that a coup against him was imminent. The leader of the SA, Ernest Roehm, had been one of Hitler's earliest supporters. He was captured and executed a few days later. So were dozens of other high officials of the SA. It then faded in importance compared to the SS (blackshirts). You can read more about it here:

O.K Thanks a Mil :) I assume I know why now , and yes ,, i was reffering to the " Nights of the long Knives"