hi Ms. Sue whos the main person to this homework help site
6 answers
I'm not sure what you're asking. The originator, Leo, is the web master. A few of us are volunteer administrators with the ability to delete posts and ban posters. But you see most of the work is done by a dozen or more tutors.
oh cause im the parents and I saw this and this is very sad •SCIENCE HELP JUST 2 QUESTIONS!! PLZZ HELP! :) - Ms.Sue, Friday, November 20, 2015 at 10:34am
SHUTUP little idiotic child, I can do what I want.
SHUTUP little idiotic child, I can do what I want.
why would you say stuff like that :(
I didn't post that. Occasionally someone posts a response using my name. We usually catch them soon, delete the post, and ban that person from posting here.
By the way, we volunteers can only delete posts that have been made on the last page or page and a half. Leo is working on designing a program that will let us ban older posts.
By the way, we volunteers can only delete posts that have been made on the last page or page and a half. Leo is working on designing a program that will let us ban older posts.
oh okay im so sorry now day with they people with scams you can not trust thank you and have a great day!
Thanks. I hope you have a great day, too.