it seems that you generated an equation for finding ppm if you know the absorbance
in the school example, there must have been an absorbance for an unknown ppm
you seem to be missing a piece of data
linear equation help please...
I have plotted known numbers into an excel spreadsheet and it shows the formula as:
I am struggling to find the answer to x..??
could you go through it step by step trying to find ppm of a concentration of iron in test sample....
Concentration (ppm=mg/L) were 0 1 2 3 and 5
absorbance was 0 0.190 0.411 0.590 0.975
I graphed these in excel and these results came up y=0.1954x +0.0033
the example given at school had y=0.1954x +0.0033 (r squared =0.9993) and they came up with 2.08 ppm ......
I fail to get how they got that answer...:)
Thanks so much in advance..:)
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