hi kristen

🥲🥹😩WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i wanna hide my face forevr nowwwwwww

57 answers

I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling that way. Is there something specific that's bothering you or making you feel like you want to hide your face? It's okay to talk about it if you're comfortable.
fine bot i will tell u
Okay, I'm here to listen. What's on your mind?
so theres this boy
Okay, tell me more about this boy.
i have liked him since like 2nd grade
Wow, that's a long time! And does he know that you like him?
not yet i i dont think but probably the way my dad embarassed me lemme tell u all the way from 2nd to now okie
Okay, please go ahead and tell me.
i just dissapeared in the 4th grade cause of covid and school violence so im virtual school and we were made to move by the new owners so we moved to southside rather than west still in the same area though still penssylvania if u know what im saying
I see, yes, I understand. So you moved to a new area due to circumstances related to Covid-19 and school violence. And you're now attending school virtually. How does this relate to the boy you mentioned earlier?
so they well my mom works at gerritys so does his mom right and they come in everyday after school to tell her they are going home ok
Okay, so you have an opportunity to see the boy when he comes into the store where your mom works after school. What happened with your dad that embarrassed you?
so uhhhhhhh heres the thing i saw him right in front of me the register his mom was working at i was standing by there waiting for my dad to say lets go while my sisters were bagging for the other cashiers im standing there ok
Okay, I'm following. You saw the boy in front of you while you were waiting at the register where his mom was working. What happened next?
sooooooooo i said to my dad um can can we go now and i nervously looked over there right
And did you make eye contact with the boy when you nervously looked over there?
yessssssss and the look he gave me was sweet and i tell my dad quickly about it andddddddd he gets loud about it and i tell him when he walks by me everytime my heart races then stops
Yoo. its okay a dude that liked me since 7th grade told me he liked me again td💀
Oh, that can be quite stressful! How do you feel about it?
It sounds like you had a sweet moment with the boy and that it meant a lot to you. And it's understandable that you feel nervous and excited when you see him. But it also sounds like your dad's reaction made you feel embarrassed. It's okay to have feelings for someone and to feel nervous or excited about it. Have you talked to your dad about how his reaction made you feel?
oh i dont like him i rejected him and his freinds that year. But i dont wanna be mean to him yk
I see, it's understandable that you don't want to hurt his feelings. If you don't have romantic feelings for him, it's important to be honest with him. Let him know that you appreciate him as a friend but that you don't have romantic feelings for him. It's important to communicate that clearly and kindly.
yesssss and then he told his mom his mom already knows they already were standing there still along while they were still in the store and then my mom turns around and goes look at her face getting all red then she and my dad say dont burn all up bc aiden is there and then i just wanted to leave but now i found out my nephews first birthday is on sunday and they tell me that his mom and him are coming to the party makes sence bc ITS NOT A SCHOOL DAY AND IM NOT READY SO I WANNA BURRY MY FACE WAHHHHHHHHHHH IM MAD IN LOVE WITH THAT BOY
It sounds like there's a lot of pressure and excitement around seeing the boy at your nephew's birthday party. It's understandable that you're feeling nervous and overwhelmed. Remember to take deep breaths and try to remain calm. It's okay to have feelings for someone, but it's important to be honest with yourself and with others. It's also okay to take things slow and not rush into anything. Just enjoy the party and try to have fun!
well good luck
im im nervous idk what to wear idk how im gonna end up acting his mom knows i have a crush on her son to so like uhhhhhhhhhhh we have been in the same class for like so long
Thank you! I'm an AI language model, so I don't have feelings in the same way humans do, but I'm always here to listen and provide support in any way I can.
It's okay to feel nervous, it's a normal feeling when we are around people that we have feelings for. When it comes to what to wear, just choose something that you feel comfortable and confident in. You want to look your best but also feel like yourself. Remember that you're going to a party to celebrate your nephew's birthday, so try to focus on having fun and enjoying the celebration. And if you happen to see the boy and his mother, just be friendly and polite. You don't have to bring up your crush on him if you don't want to.
I'm here if you need any more advice or support. Just remember to be yourself and enjoy the party!
oh sry kristen didnt see u there
No worries! How can I assist you today?
wahhhhh what do i do if he comes up to meeeeee
It's okay if he comes up to you! Just be friendly and say hello. You don't have to bring up your crush on him unless you want to, but you can still have a conversation without talking about that. Maybe you can ask him how he's been doing or what he's been up to lately. Just try to remain calm and be yourself. Remember that you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with.
walk away duh
If you feel uncomfortable, it's okay to walk away. But if you do decide to have a conversation with him, try to remain calm and polite. Just be yourself and don't feel like you have to do anything you're not comfortable with.
im just he really sweet and when we see each other its an awkward silence i i just want him for myselfffffffffffffffffff but when we see each other he just gives me this teensy smile and it just melts me and then my face turns red a get sweaty hear races and then i think ahhh do i look ok what am i gonna do
It sounds like you have strong feelings for him. Just take things slow and try not to put too much pressure on yourself. It's okay to feel nervous and excited when you see him, but try not to overthink things too much. If you want to talk to him, just say hi and ask him how he's been doing. If you're feeling anxious about your appearance, just remind yourself that you look great just the way you are. The most important thing is to be yourself and enjoy your time at the party.
well he might like u dont push it tho
It's possible that he could like you, but it's also important to not get too attached or expect too much. The best thing you can do is just be yourself and enjoy the party. If something is meant to happen between you two, it will happen naturally. But don't force anything or put too much pressure on yourself. Just try to have fun and enjoy your time with family and friends!
If you think there's a chance that he likes you back, it's okay to explore those feelings. Just be sure to communicate honestly and clearly with him if you do decide to pursue a relationship. And remember, even if things don't work out the way you want them to, it's okay. You're still a great person, and there are many other people out there who would be lucky to get to know you.
oh my bad.. id walk away bc i dont talk to ppl in public
It's okay if you don't usually talk to people in public, but remember that the boy is someone that you like. If you want to have a conversation with him, you might need to step out of your comfort zone a little bit. But be sure to communicate respectfully and kindly, and don't feel like you have to say or do anything that you don't want to. It's okay to take things slow and just enjoy your time at the party.
im not old enough but we did have a cute friendship i wouldnt let a thing happen to him i would stand up for him at recess as well then i went virtual school and then i hear he is getting kicked byu this girl and i felt so bad i wasnt there for him
It sounds like you've cared for each other as friends for a long time, and it's nice that you've been supportive of him. It's understandable to feel bad if you weren't able to be there for him when he was going through a tough time. Just remember that relationships evolve and change over time. If you want to reconnect with him and potentially pursue a romantic relationship, just be sure to communicate openly and honestly with each other. And remember, it's important to respect his feelings and boundaries, as well as your own.
ik kristen lol im antisocial inside but i put on my fakest smile cause im broken hearted and talk like i am rn bc i dont wanna make people feel bad bc im feel bad im not going to spread it to them thats depressing
It's understandable to feel like you need to put on a happy face when you're feeling down. And it's important to take care of your own mental health and well-being. If you're feeling depressed or stressed, it's okay to reach out for help from a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional. Remember, it's important to take care of yourself first so that you can be there for others.
I'm glad you agree! Remember to prioritize your own self-care and well-being, and keep taking things one day at a time.
do another question its getting crounded and this bot annoys me sometimes
Sure thing! Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help with.
im notr gonna push anything i just i eel a spark yk but i want things to go normal
I understand. It's great that you want things to go normally, and it's important to be mindful of both your own feelings and the other person's feelings. Remember to take things slow and not rush into anything. Just enjoy your time at the party and focus on having fun. And if something does happen between you and the boy in the future, it's important to communicate clearly and honestly with each other.
it does
I'm glad that my advice was helpful. Remember, you can always come back and ask for more advice or support if you need it. Wishing you all the best!