Hi i'm supposed to find a hydrocarbon with a molecular mas greater than 100g/mol, and i have no clue by using this properties what it is.
Please help me:0
There must be a million hydrocarbons with a molar mass > 100.
Knowing carbon is 12, C9 something would be 108 to start with and C8 would be 96 plus a few hydrogens.
A hydrocarbon is CnH2n+2 if it is saturated.
C7H16 = 100
C8H18= 114
There must be more to it than this. Drop the other shoe.
a substance with a 2-propanol
What about posting the whole thing. I'm not good at 20 questions.
I'm supposed to take a sample of that hydrocarbon to school, what could find in my kitchen?
sorry :) in the substance with 2-propanol, i just want to know what propanol is so that i can find a sample and take it to school.
The common name for 2-propanol is isopropyl alcohol which is usually found around the home as rubbing alcohol. It's usually sold as about 70% solution. It still isn't clear to me whether you have something dissolved in 2-propanol or not. In the household variety, the other material is water, unless you have a medication in which isopropyl alcohol is the solvent.
After reading the above link, I'm positive you can find something in your medicine chest. Hint: rubbibg alcohol
After reading the above link, I'm positive you can find something in your medicine chest. Hint: rubbibg alcohol
thanks Lance and DRBob222 for all your help, sorry for othering to much.
No (b)other to me. That's why we are here--to help.
something that is a hydrdrocarban with a mass greater then 100g/mol