When I searched for rugby coach job description, I found almost all the results in either PDF or .doc format.
In order to read files in PDF, you must download and install Adobe Acrobat's free reader. Go to http://www.adobe.com and click on Get Adobe Reader (toward the right). Make sure you download ONLY the free reader -- not anything they charge you money for. Once that program is installed, you'll be able to read these files.
Files that have .doc at the end of the filename need to have Word or some of the latest Works versions to be able to be read. However, you can also get a free program to read these if you download and install OpenOffice. Go to http://www.openoffice.org/ and click on I want to download OpenOffice.org
Once you have these programs on your computer, you should be able to read these files just fine.
If you cannot download and install these programs, you can also click on the link for some of them that says View as HTML. The formatting won't be there but the information will be.
hi Im looking for job discription on a juniour rugby coach, seniour and mens i have tried the internet but it wont let me open files about it please help
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