Hi im kinda confused still on Pulley systems and hoping someone can help me out.
The two masses (m1 = 5.5kg and m2 = 3.0kg) in the Atwood's machine shown in The Figureare released from rest, with at a height of 0.89m above the floor. When m1 hits the ground its speed is 1.8 m/s.
Assuming that the pulley is a uniform disk with a radius of 12 , outline a strategy that allows you to find the mass of the pulley.
Does this have to with conservation of energy in someway? Kinda confused.
4 answers
yes. The energy in the mass falling, and the energy in the mass going up, and the KE of the pulley, are equal to the total initial GPE.
That makes sense, but what kinda of formula would i then use to solve it? I;m only going off of powerpoints its kinda bad.
Intial PEmass1+ initialPEmass2 =finalKEmass2+FinalKEmass1+finalKEpulley+finalPEmass2+finalPEmass1
yarý çapý 1 cm olan kürenin yarýçapý 2 katýna çýkarýldýgýnda kesit alaný ,yüzey