Humans have always been questioning why we're here on earth (what our purpose is, why did God make us, etc.). Basically, there is no answer, just the mystery.
[The author of this seems to be contrasting what Emily Dickinson's poetry seems to be questioning (what is it to be human?) with Shakespeare's lines in Hamlet's famous soliloquy: "to be or not to be..." -- but Hamlet was questioning whether or not he should commit suicide, not questioning why he was alive.]
Hi, I'm having trouble understanding this and relating it back to my area of study, "belonging"-
"In this regard, Emily Dickinson's poetry repeatedly echoes Voegelin's analyses of consciousness and existence. For Emily Dickinson, to be hman is to BE "the Question" - the questioning tension toward that divine ground of existence that is the origin, deepest identity, and ultimate concern of each of us- in the enacting of which, as long as we live,"there is no answer", finally, "other than the comprehending mystery as it beocomes luminous in the acts of questioning".
In what way does this questioning mindset prohibit belonging?
Thanks so much for your help =)
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