I found this information on a website, but I don't know how to shorten it down to the main points.
6.A Number
6.A1 demonstrate an understanding of place value for numbers greater than one million less than one thousandth
Place values in whole numbers (Grade 6 - A.1) Decimal place values (Grade 6 - B.2) 6.A2 solve problems involving large numbers, using technology
6.A3 demonstrate an understanding of factors and multiples by
6.A3.1 determining multiples and factors of numbers less than 100
Identify factors (Grade 6 - M.2) Prime factorization (Grade 6 - M.3) Greatest common factor (Grade 6 - M.5) GCF and LCM: word problems (Grade 6 - M.7) 6.A3.2 identifying prime and composite numbers
Prime or composite (Grade 6 - M.1) 6.A3.3 solving problems involving multiples
Multiply whole numbers: word problems (Grade 6 - G.2) Multiply numbers ending in zeroes: word problems (Grade 6 - G.4) Least common multiple (Grade 6 - M.6) GCF and LCM: word problems (Grade 6 - M.7) 6.A4 relate improper fractions to mixed numbers
Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers (Grade 6 - Q.8) 6.A5 demonstrate an understanding of ratio, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
Write a ratio to describe objects in a picture (Grade 6 - U.1) Ratio tables (Grade 6 - U.2) Ratios: word problems (Grade 6 - U.3) Equivalent ratios (Grade 6 - U.4) 6.A6 demonstrate an understanding of percent (limited to whole numbers) concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
What percentage is illustrated? (Grade 6 - U.9) Convert between percents, fractions and decimals (Grade 6 - U.10) Compare percents to each other and to fractions (Grade 6 - U.11) Compare percents and fractions: word problems (Grade 6 - U.12) Percents of numbers and money amounts (Grade 6 - U.13) Percents of numbers: word problems (Grade 6 - U.14) Find what percent one number is of another (Grade 6 - U.15) Find what percent one number is of another: word problems (Grade 6 - U.16) Sale prices (Grade 6 - V.1) Which is the better coupon? (Grade 6 - V.2) Percents - calculate tax, tip, mark-up and more (Grade 6 - V.5) 6.A7 demonstrate an understanding of integers, concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
Understanding integers (Grade 6 - C.1) Number lines with integers (Grade 6 - C.2) Compare and order integers (Grade 6 - C.3) 6.A8 demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division of decimals (1-digit whole number multipliers and 1-digit natural number divisors)
Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number (Grade 6 - I.1) Multiply a decimal by a multi-digit whole number (Grade 6 - I.2) Multiply decimals and whole numbers: word problems (Grade 6 - I.3) Multiply two decimals using grids (Grade 6 - I.4) Multiply decimals (Grade 6 - I.5) Estimate products of decimal numbers (Grade 6 - I.6) Inequalities with decimal multiplication (Grade 6 - I.7) Divide decimals by whole numbers (Grade 6 - I.8) Divide decimals by whole numbers: word problems (Grade 6 - I.9) Multiply and divide decimals by powers of ten (Grade 6 - I.10) Division with decimal quotients (Grade 6 - I.11) Inequalities with decimal division (Grade 6 - I.12) Simplify expressions involving decimals (Grade 6 - I.13) 6.A9 explain and apply the order of operations, excluding exponents, with and without technology (limited to whole numbers)
Simplify expressions involving decimals (Grade 6 - I.13) Simplify expressions (Grade 6 - N.2) 6.A Patterns and Relations
6.B1 demonstrate an understanding of the relationships within tables of values to solve problems
Complete a function table (Grade 6 - N.9) Write linear functions (Grade 6 - N.10) Create pictographs (Grade 6 - P.2) Create line plots (Grade 6 - P.5) Create frequency tables (Grade 6 - P.6) Create bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.8) Create double bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.10) Create histograms (Grade 6 - P.11) Create line graphs (Grade 6 - P.14) Create double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.16) Ratio tables (Grade 6 - U.2) 6.B2 represent and describe patterns and relationships using graphs and tables
Solve word problems involving two-variable equations (Grade 6 - N.4) Does (x, y) satisfy an equation? (Grade 6 - N.11) Interpret pictographs (Grade 6 - P.1) Create pictographs (Grade 6 - P.2) Interpret line plots (Grade 6 - P.4) Create line plots (Grade 6 - P.5) Create frequency tables (Grade 6 - P.6) Interpret bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.7) Create bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.8) Interpret double bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.9) Create double bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.10) Create histograms (Grade 6 - P.11) Interpret line graphs (Grade 6 - P.13) Create line graphs (Grade 6 - P.14) Interpret double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.15) Create double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.16) 6.B3 represent generalizations arising from number relationships using equations with letter variables.
Write variable expressions to represent word problems (Grade 6 - N.1) Write linear functions (Grade 6 - N.10) Simple interest (Grade 6 - V.6) 6.B4 demonstrate and explain the meaning of preservation of equality concretely, pictorially, and symbolically
Solve one-step equations with whole numbers (Grade 6 - N.6) Solve one-step equations involving decimals (Grade 6 - N.7) 6.A Shape and Space
6.C1 demonstrate an understanding of angles by
6.C1.1 identifying examples of angles in the environment
6.C1.2 classifying angles according to their measure
Angle review: measure and classify (Grade 6 - X.2) Name angles (Grade 6 - X.4) 6.C1.3 estimating the measure of angles using 45°, 90°, and 180° as reference angles
Estimate angle measurements (Grade 6 - X.3) 6.C1.4 determining angle measures in degrees
Measure angles with a protractor (Grade 5 - B.13) Angle review: measure and classify (Grade 6 - X.2) 6.C1.5 drawing and labelling angles when the measure is specified
6.C2 demonstrate that the sum of interior angles is:
6.C2.1 180° in a triangle
Find missing angles and side lengths in triangles and quadrilaterals (Grade 6 - X.7) Sums of angles in polygons (Grade 6 - X.8) 6.C2.2 360° in a quadrilateral
Find missing angles and side lengths in triangles and quadrilaterals (Grade 6 - X.7) Sums of angles in polygons (Grade 6 - X.8) 6.C3 develop and apply a formula for determining the
6.C3.1 perimeter of polygons
Perimeter (Grade 6 - X.17) Area and perimeter of irregular figures (Grade 6 - X.23) Area and perimeter: word problems (Grade 6 - X.24) Rectangles: relationship between perimeter and area (Grade 6 - X.25) Compare area and perimeter of two figures (Grade 6 - X.26) 6.C3.2 area of rectangles
Area of squares and rectangles (Grade 6 - X.18) Area of compound figures (Grade 6 - X.21) Area and perimeter of irregular figures (Grade 6 - X.23) Area and perimeter: word problems (Grade 6 - X.24) Rectangles: relationship between perimeter and area (Grade 6 - X.25) Compare area and perimeter of two figures (Grade 6 - X.26) 6.C3.3 volume of right rectangular prisms
Volume and surface area of cubes and rectangular prisms (Grade 6 - X.31) 6.C4 construct and compare triangles, including
6.C4.1 scalene
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.2 isosceles
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.3 equilateral
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.4 right
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.5 obtuse
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.6 acute
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C4.7 in different orientations
Types of triangles (Grade 5 - B.2) Triangle review (Grade 6 - X.5) 6.C5 describe and compare the sides and angles of regular and irregular polygons
Open and closed shapes and qualities of polygons (Grade 5 - B.3) Regular and irregular polygons (Grade 5 - B.4) Number of sides in polygons (Grade 5 - B.5) Classify quadrilaterals (Grade 6 - X.6) Sums of angles in polygons (Grade 6 - X.8) 6.C6 perform a combination of translation(s), rotation(s) and/or reflection(s) on a single 2-D shape, with and without technology, and draw and describe the image
Reflection, rotation and translation (Grade 6 - X.12) Translations: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.13) Reflections: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.14) Rotations: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.15) Symmetry (Grade 6 - X.16) 6.C7 perform a combination of successive transformations of 2-D shapes to create a design, and identify and describe the transformations
6.C8 identify and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane using whole number ordered pairs
Coordinate graphs review (Grade 6 - O.1) Coordinate graphs as maps (Grade 6 - O.3) Relative coordinates (Grade 6 - O.4) Translations: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.13) Reflections: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.14) Rotations: graph the image (Grade 6 - X.15) 6.C9 perform and describe single transformations of a 2-D shape in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane (limited to whole number vertices)
Reflection, rotation and translation (Grade 6 - X.12) 6.A Statistics and Probability
6.D1 create, label, and interpret line graphs to draw conclusions
Interpret line plots (Grade 6 - P.4) Create line plots (Grade 6 - P.5) Interpret line graphs (Grade 6 - P.13) Create line graphs (Grade 6 - P.14) Interpret double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.15) Create double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.16) 6.D2 select, justify, and use appropriate methods of collecting data, including
6.D2.1 questionnaires
6.D2.2 experiments
6.D2.3 databases
6.D2.4 electronic media
6.D3 graph collected data and analyze the graph to solve problems
Interpret pictographs (Grade 6 - P.1) Create pictographs (Grade 6 - P.2) Stem-and-leaf plots (Grade 6 - P.3) Interpret line plots (Grade 6 - P.4) Create line plots (Grade 6 - P.5) Create frequency tables (Grade 6 - P.6) Interpret bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.7) Create bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.8) Interpret double bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.9) Create double bar graphs (Grade 6 - P.10) Create histograms (Grade 6 - P.11) Circle graphs with fractions (Grade 6 - P.12) Interpret line graphs (Grade 6 - P.13) Create line graphs (Grade 6 - P.14) Interpret double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.15) Create double line graphs (Grade 6 - P.16) 6.D4 demonstrate an understanding of probability by
6.D4.1 identifying all possible outcomes of a probability experiment
Combinations (Grade 6 - Y.1) Compound events - find the number of outcomes by counting (Grade 6 - Y.5) 6.D4.2 differentiating between experimental and theoretical probability
Probability of one event (Grade 6 - Y.2) 6.D4.3 determining the theoretical probability of outcomes in a probability experiment
Probability of one event (Grade 6 - Y.2) Make predictions (Grade 6 - Y.3) Probability of opposite, mutually exclusive and overlapping events (Grade 6 - Y.4) 6.D4.4 determining the experimental probability of outcomes in a probability experiment
6.D4.5 comparing experimental results with the theoretical probability for an experiment
Probability of one event (Grade 6 - Y.2)
Hi im from BC and im doing a mini project on topic grade 5 and 6 math curriculum topics, please give me any links to sites where i can find information on thank you, and i don't exactly know what kind of info to add, so need help with that. like what should my list of important tips/ topics be?
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