Here are three sites that will get you started. Notice that each site has multiple links that discuss certain issues further.
(Broken Link Removed),15329.asp
Hi I'm doing a research paper on the PH of skin and was wondering if you could answer even a few of these questions. I am in high school. Thanks.
what does ph have to do with skin?
how would using alkaline products affect skin?
what are some symptoms caused by using the wrong ph balanced products?
how can you find if your products are ph-balanced?
what ph level is best for oily skin?
how can i find my products acidity or alkalinity?
would you recommend jumping from a alkaline based product to an acidic product?
how can you find which ph level is best for your skin?
can shelf-life of a product affect is ph?
what is the highest acidity a product should be?
1 answer