Hi! I would really appreciate it if you could help me think through these questions discussing Newton's Laws in Space...
Directions: Consider the following scenarios ignoring the effects of gravity:
1. You are the capitan of a spacecraft traveling in the far reaches of outer space, a great distance from any other body. Unexpectedly your radar indicates a meteor on a collision course with your craft, necessitating a sudden change of speed and direction. Explain, in simple but physically correct terms, the mechanism that your craft uses to enable you to (i) alter your direction and (ii) change (increase or decrease) your speed.
2. After completing this maneuver you resume your initial direction and speed. Suddenly all engine power is lost for two hours. Explain what happens to the motion of your craft when the power is lost and during this time period.
3. Scotty finally makes repairs and you have engines firing again. Unfortunately they are still not quite repaired and they fire at a constant rate (that is, they are providing constant thrust) and can't be turned off. Explain the motion of your craft when the engines fire up again and as they are constantly firing.
Thanks you soooo much!
Sophie> Think on the three laws of motion. They explain these events. I will be happy to critique your thinking.
I really do not have the slightest clue, but here is an attempt. Please help!!! ( - :
1. (i)I have installed a device which enables me to turn to the right (ii) the same device also enables me to double my speed as to not hit the meteor
2.Because of Newton's first law of motion the craft will be stationary (not move) for 2hrs because "Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it."
3. The craft will continue going in the direction in which it started once the engines fire up again. This will continue once they are constantly firing.