There were so few medieval princesses that to generalize over the years and countries would be almost impossible. In essence, most princesses were raised to make suitable wives for princes -- including those in other countries. However, these sites are about the roles of the nobility in general.
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Hi, I was wondering what a princess's job in the community was...I would prefer specific links to sites--that would be very helpful!
Also, I need to know why a princess's job is important to the community.
Thank you so much!! :)
5 answers
So basically the princesses were raised to marry princes from other countries, have kids, and carry on the family name?
I need to write down sources I get my information from but I didn't get that from a you have any suggestions about that?
Thanks for the links :)
I need to write down sources I get my information from but I didn't get that from a you have any suggestions about that?
Thanks for the links :)
The princesses didn't usually carry on their own family name. Their children carried their husband's family name.
This site may help.
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This site may help.
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Thank you!!
I think I have it now. (:
I think I have it now. (:
You're welcome!