Hi, I was wondering if you could answer this for me? It requires the use of R-Studio, a software for outputting numbers. For this problem, use 4901 as the initial seed and run 10,000 iterations, please!

A salesperson in a large bicycle shop is paid a bonus if he sells more than 4 bicycles a day. The probability of selling more than 4 bicycles a day is only 0.40. If the number of bicycles sold is greater than 4, the distribution of sales is as shown in the table below. The shop has four different models of bicycles. The amount of the bonus paid out varies by type. The bonus for model A is $10; 40% of the bicycles sold are of this type. Model B accounts for 35% of the sales and pays a bonus of $15. Model C has a bonus rating of $20 and makes up 20% of the sales. Finally, model D pays a bonus of $25 for each sale but accounts for only 5% of the sales. Develop a simulation model to calculate the bonus a salesperson can expect in a day. There is no bonus for selling the first 4 bicycles.

Please write the code and then give the result.

1 answer

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