Hi, I recently posted a question about postmodern and modern theories of criticism, and I still don't really understand it. Could someone please explain these two to me? I found some info.. but I still kinda don't understand.
"Postmodernism represents the rejection of the modernist tenets of rational, historical, and scientific thought in favor of self-conscious, ironic, and experimental works. In many of these works, the authors abandon the concept of an ordered universe, linear narratives, and traditional forms to suggest the malleability of truth and question the nature of reality itself, dispensing with the idea of a universal ordering scheme in favor of artifice, temporality and a reliance on irony. "
"Modernist poetry is chiefly known for its dependence on concrete imagery and its rejection of traditional prosody."
So which one of the two reject the tradional way of thinking? Or do both do that..
2 answers
They both reject traditional ways of thinking.
So what would make the two different? : /