Hi I really would appreciate your help.I am freshman in college and I want to be "Women's health nurse pracitioner". However, English is not my native language and even though this is exactly what I am interested in I am doubting my performance in labs. I am not good at doing labs, sometimes they use differet words that I don't even understand its meanings. would carrying a dicitionary help while doing the lab? What if my classmates make fun of me? Please tell me a ways to be very good at doing labs and this is the only thing that is hindering me from achieving my dream job. Are there websites that teach individuals like me how do labs? I never learned how to do labs in my native country because I never went to school there.

Thank you!

4 answers

Absolutely, carry a small dictionary with you. It may help to carry two -- one for English to your language, and the other just an English dictionary.

I began helping a Korean immigrant when she was about 12. She could often find a definition online faster than I could. I admired her then, and I still admire her as a very successful university student.

Be sure to ask questions of your teaching assistant or instructor whenever you are unsure of yourself. They will admire you, and I'm sure won't laugh at you.

Good luck!
I don't know anything about doing labs, but carrying a dictionary with you is essential if there are too many words being used that you don't know. Don't worry about what classmates might say -- just focus on what YOU need to do to be successful in your classes.

On this webpage, be sure to read and study the sections called Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, Pronunciation Power, and Slang.

There are many things in these websites that may be helpful. Take the time to go through the linked areas that seem even remotely relevant to your studies:

Let us know if you have specific questions about your studies.
Thank you guys very much!
You're very welcome.