the slanted side cannot be less than the height. That's like saying the hypotenuse of a right triangle is shorter than one of the legs.
At any rate, if you can figure out what the height is (the perpendicular distance between two of the parallel sides), then the area is just
base * height.
Hi, I really need help. The question is find the area of the parallelogram which is not drawn to scale. I think the base is 24 cm, the height 9 cm, and the left side that's kind of cut slanted is 8 cm. Please help! Thanks!
5 answers
I think this description will make it clearer it is not a regular parallelogram. Go to google images and type different parallelograms. The first image you should see is on the left. In the pic it has 5 different kinds of parallelograms. The parallelogram that is on the top left is the on I am talking about.
excuse me? Every parallelogram is a regular parallelogram. They all have two sets of parallel sides. Pick any side and call it a base. The altitude is the perpendicular distance between that base and the parallel side.
*this isn't helpful*
Not sure but here goes...
24 x 8=
Figure it out.
24 x 8=
Figure it out.