I Proofread for wording errors and grammar, but I need help to see if my grammar is proper now.
I personally respect every religion, and I love reading holy books. Holy books inspire many people. Holy books taught me many morals and stories on our everyday life, which really helped me, learn what the purpose of us being in this world is. I read the Quran everyday of my life to learn and get inspired from. Reading the Quran is part of my religion, but I read other religious texts for a reason which is knowledge.
The Quran has many stories that inspire me, but one of the stories that I adore is the story of Maryam or Mary. The Quran, Bible, and many other holy books mention Mary in different views and stories. What makes her story really special to me is that Mary was the only women mentioned by name in the Quran. It is also my favorite story because people amazingly are inspired by her in different religions, and languages. She taught me to be patient and always have faith in god.
I love reading stories about miracles and so believe they can happen. Witnessing a miracle is one of my wishes I know will come true. My dad knows how much I love weird, miracles, and true stories. So, when he went to Lebanon he got me this Arabic book called "القصص الغريبه" which means weird stories. This book was a truly amazing gift; it had hundreds of miracles people witnessed. This book specifically talked about people who marvelously met Imam Al-Mahdi (Prophet Mohammad's grandson).
Shīa Muslims believe he is alive, hidden, and will return to bring justice to the world. Imam Al-Mahdi disappeared thousands of years ago and people believe he will come back. One of the stories in this book was about this lady with cancer. She prayed to Imam Al-Mahdi to help her, and she met him in Mecca. He told her to drink Zamzam Water and she will be cured. When she went to the doctor he told her that she was clearly cured from cancer. This woman and thousands of others were saved by this man, and that made me truly believe he is in this world.
Good and evil are always fighting in every generation. The battle that happened on
Oct. 10, 680 didn’t just fight for good, but it also fought for peace, truth and justice.
"The Battle of Karbala" is this sad story I read every year on the 10th of Muharram; it happened between the Benu Umayya clan and the Benu Hashem clan.
Yazid ibn Muāwiya ibn Abi Sufyan, (Benu Umayya clan) was a dictator that had no fairness in his ruling, and Imam Al-Husain (Benu Hashem clan) was Prophet Muhammad's grandson that fought against evil. Imam Al-Husain refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid. Imam Al-Husain's camp was surrounded by Yazid's soldiers and water supplies were cut from Imam Husain's companions and family. What makes this worrier my top roll model is that nothing stopped Imam Al-Husain from fighting against tyranny. Imam Al-Husain suffered and sacrificed so much in that battle that even his infant was arrowed in the chest and killed. Imam Husain was killed in a criminal way that no words can explain. Each time I read the words in this book my eyes water. Terrorist in till this day are killing and bombing people in Iraq because they love this worrier and visit his grave each year. He taught many Iraqi people to fight for justice and never give up. Each time I finish the story I feel happy and sad. I feel happy because the falsehood of Benu Umayya clan appeared to be triumphant over the truth, and that was Imam Al-Husain's goal, but I felt sad on all the suffering and killing that happened.
One of the other reasons why I really like the story of "The Battle of Karbala" is because after all that suffering that happened against tyranny Benu Umayya clan did kill the good people, but they didn’t cut all the good roots.
Al-Mukhtār Al-Thaqafī is the good root I was talking about. He was my hero that killed Imam Al-Husain's killers. He was against Umayyad Caliphs , and he also fought for peace. That made me really believe that evil people can never get away on the things they do.
All these worriers were killed because they said no to humiliation and injustice. What makes these three stories similar to me is that they all talk about famous and holy people. They taught me to be patience for the sake of truth, and to have faith in God.