Hi, I need to do an experiment in physical science (I'm in connections academy which is online) and I don't have all of the materials to do it. I did the part I have the materials for but I need to hang a ruler or meterstick off the side of a table with 20, 40, and 60 cm hanging off and hit it so it vibrates. Then I have to record the vibration and sound it makes. I just need someone who has a meterstick to do this and let me know if the sound gets higher or lower when you have more centimeters hanging over the edge of the table. Thank you so much and I asked my teacher if it's okay for me to do this since I dont have all the materials and she said yes. So thanks so much if anybody has a second to do this :)

2 answers

Wow what a help. Feel free to delete this question because I figured it out.