Hi! I need to complete this and 18 more of my overdue assignments by tonight, please help me by answering this one in 3-5 sentences! Thank you :)
Question: What were the positive and negative effects of the United States foreign policy’s efforts to root out communist influences in the decade following World War II.
1 answer
As a result of the United States’ foreign policy efforts to eliminate communism after World War II, there were many positive and negative consequences. A positive effect of these policies was that they allowed for the expansion of the military and created organizations that would benefit the defense of the U.S, such as The National Security of 1947 and the Central Intelligence Agency. These two groups were created to perform undercover intelligence operations in foreign countries. Policies such as the Marshall Plan and brinkmanship had negative consequences. The Marshall plan gave money to European countries to avoid communist takeovers. Over many years, billions of dollars were spent on these countries when veterans and other citizens were struggling on the home front. Brinkmanship was a dangerous way to negotiate and was used to force the other nation or party to back down. In a time when atomic bombs were first made, it caused much anxiety in many citizens of the U.S.