Hi! I need some help with some physics questions.
1. When two point charges are moved farther apart, what is true about their resulting electric and gravitational forces?
a. both forces stay the same
b. gravitational force stays the same but electric force increases
c. gravitational force increases but electric force stays the same
d. both forces decrease
2. the batteries in a digital alarm clock provide a terminal voltage of 9 V. What is the potential difference across the entire clock circuit?
a.4.5 V
b.18.0 V
c.9.0 V
d.6.0 V
3. Why does the earth have a magnetic declination?
a. the earth's axis of rotation is not constant
b. the magnetic field of the earth is unknown
c. its magnetic poles shift over time and are not aligned to its geographical poles.
d. the north and south poles are improperly named.
3 answers
I can help but not give answers think about tugwar when bothe sides are equally strong the rope won't move but when one side is stronger than another it moves were the strongest energy is......give you idea huh? the last one is simple ( D IS WRONG!)
the poles never shift that's the point of a compass!
compasses would be useless if the poles moved LOl
b is suprisingly wrong ....like what i say "you can use long words and impress me, but it must be right" lts a the rotation of the earth Is NEVER CONSTANT!The Earth's rotation period is not constant. It varies from day to day, by about 222 microsecond/day. That means the sidereal day could be 23h 56m 4.090539 seconds on one day, and 23h 56m 4.090761 seconds the next day. Carrying the number of seconds to 34 decimal places is nonsense.
The mean tropical year, as of January 1, 2000 was 365.2421897 days, or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45.187471 seconds. It gets shorter by 0.531710 seconds per century.
Stellar time is not calculated, it is measured by radio telescopes."
"The Earth's rotation period is not constant. It varies from day to day, by about 222 microsecond/day. That means the sidereal day could be 23h 56m 4.090539 seconds on one day, and 23h 56m 4.090761 seconds the next day. Carrying the number of seconds to 34 decimal places is nonsense."
Does he mean here that the day can be 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.090539 seconds one day and then 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.090761 seconds the next day with or without adjustments to the clock or corrections? Because I made 2 more calculations, another calculation and I calculated that if the sidereal day were to be his first suggestion, 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.090539 seconds, the year would be 365.24220001079142815726241687271711 solar days or 366.24220001079142815726241687271711 sidereal days or 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 46.080932379392787472817802758660875 seconds long or 366 sidereal days 5 sidereal hours 48 sidereal minutes and 46.080932379392787472817802758660875 sidereal seconds long. And if the sidereal day length were exactly the other way around, the latter of 23 hours 56 minutes and 4.090761 seconds, the year would be 365.24254465930433525750977476554023 solar days or 366.24254465930433525750977476554023 sidereal days, a little more than the average Gregorian year, or 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes and 15.85856389456624884453974267620778 seconds long or 366 sidereal days 5 sidereal hours 49 sidereal minutes and 15.8585638945662488445397426760778 sidereal seconds long. These were with corrections so therefore they maintain consistency with exactly 24 hours per solar day every time. Intellegent arnt I JK im stupid......and yes i researched this LOL hope this helped