Hi. I need some help with a few questions regarding The Odyssey and Orestia. (I have eliminated some of the possible choices because I know they are incorrect)

1.How are the endings of both the Odyssey and the Orestia similar?

A.In both cases, the goddess Athene steps in to create a peaceful solution to a dispute that came from people's desire for revenge.

B.In both cases, the rightful king restores order to the land.
***My answer is A

2.Which of the following might be a reasonable explanation for the endings of these stories?

A.The Greeks are growing to realize that there is a need to accept the leadership of a rightful king rather than go their own ways.

B.The Greeks are realizing that the old concept of revenge is not good for the health of a society.
***My answer is B

Am I correct?? Thank you!!

3 answers



You could be right, but be sure to read the sections here to be sure.
Based on this passage of The Odyssey, one can conclude that the ancient Greeks greatly valued .