Let's start with the Google definition of fanatic.
"a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause."
Picture a person whose eyes are hard and unfeeling. Think of extreme politicians and activists you've seen.
hi I need help with this. It is a section from the story 'The Sniper' and it is a PEE (Point, Evidence, Explanation) question... PLEASE HELP ME. Here is the question: "The writer says that the sniper's eyes had 'the cold gleam of the fanatic' what does this mean?" I need this question done before Monday morning! I don’t really understand what this means!
I am Andrew, A second year student in Ireland and my teacher is expecting good work from me so please help me
4 answers
Thanks Ms. Sue! You are a great help!
You're welcome, Andrew. Good luck with your assignment.
Hi my name is Rachel and I’m a second year , my teacher is expecting me to do a PEE paragraph on the sniper without reading it. What I have to do is think of what’s gonna happen in this story but I don’t understand how to do PEE paragraphs