Hi! I need help with this assignment. I have 2 books to compare and contrast. Full Cicada Moon by Marilyn Hilton and Same But Different by Holly Robinson Peete, Ryan Elizabeth Peete, and RJ Peete. It seems like I don't have any differences and alikes in this 2 books. Can you please help me find 5 ways why these 2 books are alike and different? Thank you. Hope you guys help me out. Im struggling

5 answers

Holy smoke! You must not have read these books. You need to get busy and read, read, read them.


Hi, writeteacher.. I have read both books but Im still struggling with what they have in common and what they don't have in common. :(
If you expect someone here to do your thinking for you, that won't happen. However, you can help yourself.

1. Get two sheets of paper.
2. Write one of the titles at the top of one.
3. Write the other title at the top of the other.
4. On each page, under the title, write the main character's name.
5. Under each main character's name, write the primary adjectives that describe him or her. Under the adjectives, write how this character was different at the end of the book and what happened to make him/her change.
6. On each page, write other characters' names and adjectives that describe them.
7. On each page, write down what the main conflict is in each story. If you don't know what "conflict" means, study the explanations and graphic here:

If you don't see differences and similarities by now, then you need to re-re-read these books until you do.
Thank you Writeteacher.
You're welcome. Go get an A.