Hi i need help with 2 practice questions
1. Just as _____ can strengthen social identity, ______ can reduce conflict between "us" and "them"
a. competition; anonymity
b. interdependence; cooperation
c. individualism; interdependence
d. competition; cooperation
I chose C
2. When people in a large crowd lose awareness of their individuality, they conform to the norms of:
a. aggression and violence
b. cultural values
c. the specific situation
d. coercive persuasion
I chose D
3. The most common mistake people make when explaining the "why" of their own good behavior is the tendency to credit:
a. their own personality traits
b. the influence of the situation
c. their social roles
d. their own cognitive decisions.
I chose A
Thanks for your assistance.
1 answer
my answers match up with your answers!!! :)