hi i need help to find a acrodtic poem for the word sublimation can somebody help me

7 answers

According to your other posts, you're supposed to make up your own acrostic poem.

I gave you a website and a first line. It's up to you now!
Is your assignment to write an acrostic poem with the word "sublimation"?


Here is an example of an acrostic poem made with the word "vacation":

Vacant motels
Always touring foreign countries
Chuck Cheeses groovy movin'
A time to be free
Tension is not rocking, blocking boulders
Imagination is flying wild with the honeybees
Open mouth and taste the ocean
No more school!

As you can see, each of the lines in the poem relate to the meaning of the word itself -- not definitions of the word, but an idea or situation which relates to it.

Let us know what you come up with for "sublimation" and someone here will be happy to comment on your ideas.

its not helping give me one with the word sublimation
No one is going to GIVE you a poem made with the word "sublimation." You need to write it yourself.
Sun colors lose their shine
Understand solid goes to gas
Bubbling it doesn't understand you
Listen to it pass without liquid
Indirectly it says sorry
Maybe it will come back some day
At once it becomes free instead of full
Trust it to come back cool
I hope it isn't a hothead
Obviously freedom means more to it
Never forget solid going to gas directly!
i want to no a poem for sublimation any kind that's dealing with science
S olid to a gas
U nder pressure
B eware of the phase change
L iquid phase is skipped
I odine can sublime
M atter
A drastic change in temperature causes this phase to occur
T ake CO2, it can sublime from a solid (dry ice) to a gas
I t changes matter from a solid to a gas
N ot all matter can sublime