Hi. I kinda need some help. I need some against points on the topic "That Australia should have a space program" I have already looked at the other posts but I still need more. Oh and any Ideas for a possible split?

Thanks in advance

2 answers

A former rocket scientist myself, and a firm believer in unmanned exporation of the solar system in this century, I now wonder how even the US can justify its own space program. Have the benefits received been justified by the costs? Does each nation need to have its own program? Why not have nations cooperate on programs that make sense?
I agree. The issue is to satisfy nationalistic and business interests, or to form an international consortium. Lot of money is at stake, and as I well know, lots of Australian businesses will be advocating and Australian Space Program so Australia can "Buy Australian".
Greedy pigs seldom want to share their trough, but relish the opportunity to make it an very deep private trough.