Bailey, Andrea, Danny, Riley, anabelle, holly, LILLY, zachary, I'm stumped -- or whoever!
To quote one of our very good math and science tutors: “You will find here at Jiskha that long series of questions, posted with no evidence of effort or thought by the person posting, will not be answered. We will gladly respond to your future questions in which your thoughts are included.”
Hi, i have some doubts i would like to clear. What is the difference between codominance, incomplete dominance, and complete dominance?? i'm getting rather confused.
What type of gene is the sickle cell anemia? Say r stands for the recessive allele for sickle cell anaemia, and R for normal allele, then a heterozygous person, Rr, would she just be a carrier without any sickle cell, or would she have less sickle cells than a homozygous recessive person, rr?
I'm rather confused about the blood type thing as well! (A, B, O and AB)
Please help! Thankyou
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