Hi, I have several questions that I am not sure or do not know their answers. Lecturer gave the key words but I think there are some questions that do not have any answer among those key words.
Please tell me whether the answer are correct or not. And tell If you have better answers
I am not sure the answers of these:
1) List at least 5 most striking morphological and functiolnal characteristics of nerve tissue make it different from other tissues.
***Answer: a) having dendrites and axon ; b) polarization; c) generate& transmit sigmanls btw environment and body; d) excitable ; e) not reproduce
2) Three gating mechanisms of the membrane ionophores (ion channels) are ______, ______ and ______.
***Answer: chemically gated channels, voltage gated channels and mechanically gated channels. (But there is "osmotic gradient" as one of answer. That's why I'm confused.)
3) The main differencce btw ionotropic and metabotropic receptor is _________.
*** Answer: chemical ligand
4) Integration of postsynaptic potentials depends on two passive properties of the neuron's membrane which are _________ and ___________.
*** Answer: length constant and time constant of the membrane.
5)The most sensitive sensory receptors are so called ________.
***Answer: hair cells
AND I do not know answer of this question:
6) In the sensory systems, stimulus intensity is encoded by ______ while stimulus modality (quality) is encoded by ______.