hi, i have an english assignment that is givin me a bit of trouble. it is an english paper that i have to right for my highschool englsih class. i can pick any topic i want, however chosing a suitable topic proved to be more than i expected. be it that it may, english is not one of my strongest subjects. in fact, i really do not like english at all. however, i would like to over come this obsticle. here is my paper thus far. please feel free to critique my paper to the fullest, as i would like to better myself in the english subject. thankyou
The Art of Drawing
Drawing is a form of visual expression and is one of the major forms within the visual arts. Drawings may be representational, depicting objects, living beings, or scenes which the artist views, remembers, or imagines. They may be realistic to the point of lifelike resemblance. However, because it is not possible to present accurately all the visible facts and aspects of an object in black and white, the true art of drawing lies in suggestion through the use of media, materials, and techniques.
Media plays an essential role in drawing itself. without a medium images cannot be produced. The medium is the means by which ink, pigment, or color are delivered onto the drawing surface. Most drawing media are either dry or water-based. Common instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoals, chalk, pastels, markers, stylus, or various metals like silverpoint. in the process of drawing various tools are also routinely used, such as, a pencil sharpener, sandpaper, kneaded eraser, blending stumps, and chamois. Other tools that sometimes prove useful are tracing paper, a circle compass, ruler, frisket film, fixative, and drafting tape. however, media is useless without a drawing surface.
the material used in drawing is basically any flat 2 dimensional surface that can retain a mark. the most common material, however, is paper. Paper comes in a variety of different sizes and qualities. it ranges anywhere from newspaper grade for practice up to high quality and relatively expensive paper. Papers can vary in texture, hue, acidity, and strength when wet. Smooth paper is good for rendering fine detail, although a more "toothy" paper will hold the drawing material better. Thus a more coarse material is useful for producing deeper contrast. For pen and ink work, typing paper is often used for practice, but heavier paper holds up better. Bristol board makes a hard surface that is especially good for ink or fine detailed graphite drawing. the material plays a major role in influencing suggestion. the type of paper used can help to produce the affect of realism many artists may strive to achieve.
however, the actual techniques of drawing vary, depending the medium or material employed. Very effective drawings are made by using a type of tinted paper, often either gray or pale blue. the highlights are indicated by use of chalk or the pigment called Chinese white. the darker shades and masses are indicated with the pencil, and the tone of the paper is left to represent the intermediate values. of the chief drawing tools, the pen is the most exacting, as it makes a definite mark, hard to alter once the ink has dried. Tints must be expressed by dots, closely crowded lines, and cross-hatching. The masters of pen drawing must be masters of pure line.
this is my paper in its earliest stage. i don't use microsoft word, so there may be a few errors in grammar,punciuation,and capitalization. i realize that i may have to rework a few things, so please give it ur best shot. i would like to correct this paper in its earliest stages. thankyou
1 answer
However, it might be better to consider English as effective communication in writing. Hopefully it teaches you how to effectively communicate in writing with a large range of other people. Just as with anything else, the only way you can learn this skill is by practicing it. Like drawing, it can create a picture in the readers' minds.
I hope that, understanding this, you will not have as great an aversion to English.
Please repost with the paper. I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.