I do not know what -s- is supposed to mean. You may want to look carefully through the instructions which probably defines what -s- is.
From the context, it seems that -s- stands for a binary mathematical operator, since it is situated between two numbers, and the result is supposed to be another number.
One of the operators that gives a result appearing in one of the four choices is the divide operator (÷), which when substituted, gives
(9*6)÷3 = 18.
In short, read through the instructions which the answer should lie.
Hi I have a sample question for a math assessment that I wanted to ask about:
What number is expressed by (9 x 6) -s- 3?
a 18
b 27
c 6
d 21
Which of these answers is right and what is "s" suppose to mean?
Is S like some sort of fixed value?
5 answers
Thank you...
You're welcome.
Do let me know if -s- is defined somewhere in the instructions.
Do let me know if -s- is defined somewhere in the instructions.
Hi, no it wasn't. I think the assessment website is buggy because it didn't feel right.
I have to contact the college and inquire. Thanks anyways as your answer made me see that there is a problem with site.
I have to contact the college and inquire. Thanks anyways as your answer made me see that there is a problem with site.
In that case, it is very possible that it was a programming related problem.
It is a generalized question where -s- is supposed to be replaced by an operator, be it +,-,x or ÷ etc.
In this case, the replacement was not made, which renders the question not comprehensible.
It would be a good idea to check with your instructor.
It is a generalized question where -s- is supposed to be replaced by an operator, be it +,-,x or ÷ etc.
In this case, the replacement was not made, which renders the question not comprehensible.
It would be a good idea to check with your instructor.