Hi, I have a question regarding the following chemical equilibrium equation:
2CrO4^2- + 2H3O^+ <--> Cr2O7^2- + 3H2O
The question is: how would you manipulate the above equation to produce more Cr2O7^2- ions without adding any Chromium based compounds? I understand the general principle: increasing the acidity of the solution will drive the reaction to the right, thus producing more dichromate (Cr2O7^2-). Therefore I would have to increase the concentration of H3O. But how would the final balanced equation with increased H3O look like? If someone could show me how to get that equation, i would greatly appreciate that.
2 answers
I don't know what it is you don't understand. Frankly you seem to understand it very well. You add H3O^+ and the rxn shifts to the right producing more dichromate which is what you want. The equation is already there. That is the initial equation, the intermediate equation, the final equation. etc. That IS the equation. You don't need anything more. But something tells me there is a nagging in your mind; tell us what it is so we can help straighten it out to your satisfaction.
Thank you Dr.Bob. I got it now.