Hi, I have a question on how to distinguish cyclohexane from benzene through lab tests i.e. chemical reactions (except for burning and observing the amount of soot produced, because it is not a very conclusive test)

So far the only thing I could think of is adding halogens to both of them. Since alkanes would undergo free radical substitution only in the presence of UV light or high temperature, whereas benzene would require the presence of a catalyst at room temperature. But I don't see how this would help tell them apart. Is there any decolonization involved for benzene or cyclohexane?

I've read through all my lecture notes, tried looking for videos on benzene reactions but because it's toxic there isn't any videos of help I could find. There also isn't much information on the net, which is exactly why i'm seeking help here. So I'd really appreciate if i wasn't just dumped with links. Thanks!