This question is much too broad to adequately answer in a few sentences.
Even when we limit your question to TV news broadcasts, it still encompasses hundreds of TV programs in Canada as well as stations in the U.S. that are also broadcast in Canada.
Most news organizations attempt to be unbiased, but that's virtually impossible as people have different views as to what is biased.
I urge you to watch the news for an hour or so a day from at least three different channels. How do these networks and local channels differ in their coverage? How are they similar?
Hi..I have a long question, but hopefully you can help me out.
Does TV present only sensational or drmatic moments that are not necessarily representative of actual events? Is the reporting usually complete and impartial? What effects do negative stories have on TV audiences? Is there usually an attempt to balance the types of news stories presented?
If anyone can answer at least one of the questions, it would be helpful..I am a little stuck :(
5 answers
Well, actually the question is more about people's reaction to news. And what negative impact it has on audience? And how people react to news? that was the main idea for this lesson. It has nothing to do with biased or not biased.
People's reactions to news varies with the individual. Tragic stories such as devastating floods, earthquakes, and mass deaths usually bring sadness and offers to help the victims. Negative news about a political opponent often brings chuckles and a sense of "I told you so!"
thank u
The days of balanced news reporting in the USA ended with the ascendancy of Fox cable news.
Local news reporting in the Los Angeles area has deteriorated as well. It is mainly murder, mayhem, "human interest" weather, sports, and "entertainment" and "celebrity" news that is closely related to that station's programming for the evening.
Local news reporting in the Los Angeles area has deteriorated as well. It is mainly murder, mayhem, "human interest" weather, sports, and "entertainment" and "celebrity" news that is closely related to that station's programming for the evening.