What do you think about shopping? Do you enjoy it? Do you regret spending the money? Does shopping frustrate you?
You could do your poem in the shape of a dollar sign.
i had to do a concrete poem about shopping...but i don't know wat to write...
can i get any ideas?
6 answers
i love going shopping...but i don't get how to do thses types of poems for some reason
You only need to write a few words for a concrete poem. Summarize your feelings about shopping in a dozen or so words. Then write them in a shape -- for instance a dollar sign. You might use the outline of a shirt for your format.
do you have any ideas on what i can write??
Nope! I have no more ideas about what YOU can write. Get away from the computer and TV and THINK!
Get a pencil and paper and play around with different ideas and words.