First of all, I've been a Jiskha tutor for over 10 years. I retired from classroom teaching over 20 years agol
Jiskha was started many years ago for students to help other students with their homework. But now, although anyone can post here, most tutors are retired teachers and other professionals. Real and electronic monitors keep unsuitable posts off the board. Yes, Jiskha is safe.
Hi, I am new to Jiskha. May one of the tutors tell me what Jiskha is for? My daughter uses Jiskha, but I'm not sure if this is a safe site. Is Jiskha for kids cheeting? If so, I'll immediately tell my daughter to log off. Also is Ms. Sue a tutor? I'm wondering because she has an icon next to her name. Sorry for all the questions, but is there a way on this site to see the tutors in person or live? Thank you, Abigail Cheriman
46 answers
Hi, welcome. Im a student. Yes, Me. Sue is a tutor. This site is not cheating. It helps sutdents and parents to boost their knowledge. I don't know if you can meet them in person. I'm also new. This is why Jiskha was created, to ask questions. Don't worry. Have a great day!
Im not a tutor but this is a place where you can come and get help for school if you dont understand and some ppl cheat but some ppl just check there answers and get help
hope you understand...
hope you understand...
As a new tutor, this is definitely a safe site to get help on problems. We like kids who come to us to provide us with their answers so we can check them and give explanations. Sometimes answers are posted for kids to cheat, but they are usually removed instantly if seen. As always, ask us any questions if you have any.
Hi. We welcome questions. I am a retired college prof. I've been helping on Jiskha since 2005. We don't condone cheating and we don't help cheaters. As Ms. Sue notes we remove answers that are posted to aid in cheating. All tutors on Jiskha are volunteers. We are anonymous just as the students are anonymous. We love to help and we like what we are doing.
Thank y'all!
"a" -DrBob222
Sometimes teachers aren't very helpful, like someone asks a question then they just send links instead on actually helping, sometimes the links do help but whats the point of this site if its going to send you to other sites. But a lot of the time teachers do help.
you should watch your daughter while shes on the site, because some students like to give answers to the whole quizzes and tests, and some come here for answers and not confirmation of their answers
Most people who are on connections academy or connexus just use it to cheat. (like me)
R.I.P. Ms Sue <3 we luv youuuu
R.I.P Ms Sue! May you rest easy. We love you boo! U3U
rip when did they update jiskha
Yep it’s a cheating site
wait Ms.Sue is gone??????????
if so rest in peace🥺<3
if so rest in peace🥺<3
Yes,@lil peep forever~🐣🖤😔🥺 Ms.Sue has passed away,she died peacefully in a hospital bed with her family around her...she will truly be missed.
I think this site is pretty 50 50. The tutors help people learn but not cheat whereas some of the students give out all the test answers. Obviously, when the answers are handed right to us we take them so I recommend watching your daughter on this site because she could be cheating (just like literally everyone on here :)) )
It's somewhat of a safe site. People go here to check their homework but some people paste the answers
I got you,
not everyone on connect cheats!! I use this only to check my answers and understand my faults
not everyone on connect cheats!! I use this only to check my answers and understand my faults
Ms. Sue did not die yall!!! She just got banned from being a tutor online for helping kids. this is just mean to be joking about someones death. not cool guys, not cool:(((
sophia the first, is this true?
no it is not Mrs. sue passed away exactly as the others say there's a whole page of people mourning Mrs. sue on this site @sophia the first that wasn't very cool she lived a long and happy life tho and I'm happy for her she is probably still helping people but in different ways
yea we be cheating
She may have passed, but did she die though?
@Dave, if she passed then she’s dead.,,,
And to the person who asked this, I’d just watch her while she does her tests and homework, and then use this site to check her answers. I’d suggest using ones that have a lot of upvotes and positive comments, I’m a student who uses this site to check my answers with my mom looking at them while I do so.
And to the person who asked this, I’d just watch her while she does her tests and homework, and then use this site to check her answers. I’d suggest using ones that have a lot of upvotes and positive comments, I’m a student who uses this site to check my answers with my mom looking at them while I do so.
@Dave 😐
Rip miss sue. You wil be missed
@angel of god
Jiska isnt safe.....the math tutors are mean. Im sorry jiska.....yes this is where kids cheat
Mrs. Sue, you will be dearly missed. Rest in peace Madam
Yes definitely for cheating.
A couple of things to know about Jiskha:
Mrs. Sue sadly passed in November, 2019
Anyone with the person icon before their name is a tutor
If somebody is cheating, like requesting all of the answers or guilt-tripping people into giving them answers, the person will be banned from Jiskha.
Hope this helps!
Mrs. Sue sadly passed in November, 2019
Anyone with the person icon before their name is a tutor
If somebody is cheating, like requesting all of the answers or guilt-tripping people into giving them answers, the person will be banned from Jiskha.
Hope this helps!
I cant belive she died
It smells like but in my room
Extra to at the end
Extra to at the end of but. That’s what it smells like in my bedroom.
My sister Mira came in and ( something that rhymes with parted!!) Farted! It stinks!
It’s not necessarily cruel. Cruel is really mean. It’s disrespectful. People are trying to learn and it’s not ok. At. All. You should be banned.
Not you, Lectronica, Pepe the frog.
No, this is a free tutoring site where teachers and students can help each other, the site blocks bad words and you don't have an "account" per say. It's not really cheating.
No, this is a free cheating site.
rip miss sue i mostly just use this for studying about topics i didnt know and this is sorta late but fr rip miss sue
Half of my day is made up of playing and the other half is doing school (a.k.a - cheating with Questions LLC)