It's usually a good idea to speak about something you know. I think you could be interesting and informative about juggling for 7 or 8 minutes. Check these sites for ideas. Of course, you'll probably want to demonstrate your juggling skills.
Hi, I am doing a speech and I need help with ideas.I have to talk for 7-8 minutes and I have picked two topics.
I have to have purpose statement, intorduction etc.
1) is Marijuana and the other one is Juggling. I don't know anything about Marijuana but I have a history with juggling. when I was in my native country, my family couldn't afford school, there was also war going on at the same time. So, my friends and I developed a habit of juggling to just kill time, play and keep ourselves busy. But how can I talk about juggling for 7-8 minutes?
Please tell me how to motivate my audiene and make my speech interesting and which topic you think is good. Thanks, I apperciated it!
2 answers
Thanks, I have not thought of demonstrating, like showing it to the class.!