You could start: To Whom It May Concern:
Then, find out who will be responsible if you need medical care. Does that include paying the medical bills?
Your dad's letter should say something like this:
I give permission to (aunt's name) to authorize medical help for Bobbi XXXX in case of illness or injury.
hi i 16 and i am going onaplane to florida and mydad wantsa letter from my aunt stating that if i get hurt who will be responsible and then my auntwantsa letter from him saying that he gives them permission for medical attention, i was wondering how can i begin to write those out ? can anyone help me thank you so much
2 answers
In addition to the sentence Ms. Sue gave you, your dad should also include the word "legal" in there and he should include a date when the permission ends.
1 June 2011
To Whom it May Concern:
I give permission to ______ to authorize any medical and/or legal help for Bobbi XXXX in case of illness or injury. This permission is good through 10 August 2011.
(printed name)
1 June 2011
To Whom it May Concern:
I give permission to ______ to authorize any medical and/or legal help for Bobbi XXXX in case of illness or injury. This permission is good through 10 August 2011.
(printed name)