When mixing fractions with decimals in calculations, errors often occur.
Your error is the placement of decimals
75% of $50.25
= (3/4)($50.25)
= $34.69 , you have to round to the nearest cent.
So what is the price if we take $34.69 away from $50.25 ?
Quick Way: take (.25)(50.25)
Hi! HELP!!!!
Please help me see what is wrong here.
Kid 1: Kitchen knifes are 75% off their original price. If the original price is $50.25, what is the price now?
Kid 2: Seth, the answer is $3.768 because 75% off the original price ($50.25) in fraction form is 3/4, and ¾ x 50.24 = 3.768
I need to fix Kid 2s mistake. I don't understand what he did wring. Maybe he put the decimal in the wrong place? I'm not sure.
11 answers
Use www.wolframalpha.com to check your work.
PS — $15.56 is incorrect.
PS — $15.56 is incorrect.
Ok! Thanks!
$37.69? I ALSO need to know how HE got his answer. This makes no sense! How did HE get HIS answer? :(
If you used Wolframalpha correctly, it tells you how the answer was calculated. If you didn't … <sigh>
Go to wolframalpha.com and enter what Reiny told you:
Do you know why he wrote (.25) <~~?
Go to wolframalpha.com and enter what Reiny told you:
Do you know why he wrote (.25) <~~?
Oops sorry I entered the wrong thing….. one sec…… and no, I don't know why he wrote (.25) <~~?
If something is being sold for 75% off, doesn't that mean you are paying 25%? And isn't 25% the same as .25 for calculations?
Ooooooooooooh! NOW this makes sense. But…….. How did Kid 2 get 3.768?
Reiny explained that in his reply.
The DECIMAL PLACE!!! Thank y'all SOOOO MUCH! Thank you Writeacher and Reiny! Bye!