Hi, everyone who is going to read this, thank you for trying to help me, this really means a lot to me, you are saving my behind!
Ok, so here it goes: I was wondering if this information is correct; please tell me if it is not
A Ferris wheel is a vertical wheel...it undergoes uniform circular motion, and therefore experiences several types of motion.
1.) Centripetal Acceleration
2.) Angular acceleration
3.) Harmonic Motion
4.) Uniform Circular motion
The types of energy that affect it are:
1. mechanical energy
2.) kinetic energy
Passengers on a Ferris wheel experience:
1.) Apparent weight
2.) (Anything else?)
Thanks for helping me with this...I have researched this since Friday, and I am going a little nuts just trying to make sense of this all...the answers you provide would really be giving me a push in the right direction to help complete my task! Thank you very much.
Lots of love,
3 answers