Hi everyone,

I've got a career-related question. A few weeks ago, our class took a "Career Cruising" quiz, which is meant to help students explore career options that correspond to their interests and talents. Based on my quiz answers, my homeroom teacher suggests that I should look into pursuing a career as a Bodhisattva. Honestly, I have no idea what a Bodhisattva is or what they do, but from what I have been reading it looks like they are some type of religious official in the Buddhist religion. I spoke with my school counselor about becoming a Bodhisattva and he said that he had not heard of students getting that through the "Career Cruising" quiz, but that he would try to find some good resources for me. In the meanwhile, I am trying to do some research on my own and see if this is a career I want to pursue. Could anyone help me out? What are some of the job requirements for a Bodhisattva? What is a Bodhisattva's day-to-day routine like? What kind of education is required to be a Bodhisattva? How much do Bohisattva's get paid?



Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. First of all I would talk to the person who suggested that to see why. This is a spiritual journey; are you Buddhist? In addition to the definition above, here is another site on Bodhisattva:



Wow, this looks like a great career, guys! I'm not Buddhist; I'm actually a Jehovah's Witness, but the career sounds like a pretty interesting one. Any idea what a Bodhisatva makes? Are there college courses for potential Bodhisatvas out of Buddhist universities?