The neuron cell body and the dendrites are the recipients of the stimulation from other cells. Once a neuron fires, it goes in all directions within the neuron, like the ripples on a pond. However, transmission to other cells only occurs at the ends of the axons.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
do dendrites generate or conduct impulses
and do axons transmit to and from the cell body or do they transmit it away.
thanks jim
2 answers
ok heres what i got from the book.
the post synaptic neuron receives a chemical signal and generates the electrical signal.
for the axon problem my teacher said sensory neurons transmit a signal along its axon to the cell body. The motor neuron tranmits a electrical signal away from the cell body to an effector.
ok heres what i got from the book.
the post synaptic neuron receives a chemical signal and generates the electrical signal.
for the axon problem my teacher said sensory neurons transmit a signal along its axon to the cell body. The motor neuron tranmits a electrical signal away from the cell body to an effector.