Do decimals such as 2.718 represent rational numbers or irrational numbers. Explain.
Do repeating decimals such as 2.3333 . . . represent rational numbers or irrational numbers? Explain.
So I look back in my textbook and find
rational numbers
(e.g., 4/5, -2/3, 7.31, -5, square root 9, o.3333 . . .)
Can be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers.
Irational Nmbers
(e.g., square root five, -3 root 11, Pi)
Cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers, but are real numbers.
(e.g., 2, -17, 2001, 0)
Whole numbers and their opposites.
Ok so I am confused. A rational number can be expressed exactly as a ratio of two integers. Well sense numbers with decimals aren't integers sense according to my book an integer has to be a whole number. So dosen't all numbers with decimals have to be irrational sense they are not integers?
What's the difference between natural numbers and counting numbers? Are they the same thing?
Lastly in my textbook it litsts 0 as as an example for a digit. 0 also has it's own group of being neither positive nor negative nor no value. So if I were to see something on a test that told me tell what set of numbers given numbers were and saw zero... would I say it was zero or a digit?
2 answers