Hi, can someone proofread this and let me know if there are any grammatical mistake. I'll appreciate it. Thanks.

This experiment was preformed to determine if Drosophila fruit flies inherit apterous (ap) or a wild type (+/+) phenotypes. The wild type is the normal phenotype because the flies have wings. The apterous phenotype is considered to be abnormal, since the fruit flies lack wings. The hypothesis of this experiment claims the apterous mutation is recessive. The hypothesis was tested by mating six female fruit flies with four male fruit flies into a plastic tube containing yeast, a netting, and a stopper. FlyNap was used to help ease the process of transferring female and male flies into the plastic tube. The results of the number of F2 flies having the wild type phenotype surpassed the number of flies that had the apterous phenotype. The class average determined 437 flies had wings, while the average for flies with no wings was 146.375. Therefore, the averaged data of the class concludes the hypothesis is correct. The apterous phenotype is fact recessive.

2 answers

"in" before fact on the last sentence.
This experiment was performed to determine if Drosophila fruit flies inherit apterous (ap) or a wild type of (+/+) phenotypes. The wild type is the normal phenotype because the flies have wings. The apterous phenotype is considered to be abnormal, since the fruit flies lack wings. The hypothesis of this experiment claims that the apterous mutation is recessive. The hypothesis was tested by mating six female fruit flies with four male fruit flies into a plastic tube containing yeast, a netting, and a stopper. FlyNap was used to help ease the process of transferring female and male flies into the plastic tube. The results of the number of F2 flies having the wild type phenotype surpassed the number of flies that had the apterous phenotype. The class average determined that 437 flies had wings, while the average for flies with no wings was 146.375. Therefore, the averaged data of the class concludes that the hypothesis is correct. The apterous phenotype is, in fact, recessive.