I would do percentage to the tenths decimal place, as in 99.5 Of course, that truncation will result in an error. YOu could take the percentage to five places, that eliminates the error, but in a practical sense, it is silly.
On the second comparison 1990 to 2050, it should be..
6096/ 14745.197 =41.3 percent
Can anyone help with this little problem ,
I have to compare the percentage change for the following numbers from a graph (Tonnes) Comparing the lower years with the year 2050
Year 2050 = 14672.873
2046 = 14745.197
1990 = 6096.0
I have worked out the following :-
14672.873 / 14745.197 = 99.5%
14672.873 / 6096 = 2.406967356
I am not sure how many decimal places to use ???
if I multiply 14745.197 by 99.5% I get 14671.47102 not the same as 14672.873
Can anyone guide me the right way .. I am losing lots of time on this exercise .... A BIG Thank you !!!
2 answers
Thank you .. very much !!!!