Can anyone confirm my answer here.. I need to determine familial relationship
Body 1 Body 2 Body3
Locus 1 14,19 16,18 14,18
Locus 2 15,21 18,18 17,21
Locus 3 11,11 12,13 11,12
Locus 4 18,19 18,24 18,23
Locus 5 13,14 14,15 12,14
Locus 6 29,29.2 29,31.2 29,31.2
Locus 7 13,17 16,16 14,17
Locus 8 13,13 12,14 13,15
Locus 9 9,9.3 6,7 9,9.3
Locus10 22,23 19,24 23,24
My answer is Body, 1 and 3 are related Body 1 is the mother of 3 as it contains one of the two alleles found in body 3.
Body 2 cannot be related to or be the father of body 3 he does not share the common loci throughout the DNA profile
Is this right ? Body 2 cannot be the father can he ?? He does share some-but not all the alleles with body 3. Body 1 shares one common allele throughout the DNA profile
My assumption is that unless the allele are present then there is no relationship it is pure chance ?
Thank you !!!!!!!!