Hi, again. I need help with this word

decorum. the def is ADJ proper; seemly correct

how do i use this in a sentence?

11 answers

Use it in a sentence in which you are describing someone's behavior. Give it a try and let us know what you come up with.

Perhaps this will help.
The manager seemed to be decorum in the meeting, but really he was thinking of the weekend.

is that ok?

It's not an adjective. Please re-do your sentence.
The manager seemed to be decorous in the meeting, but really he was thinking of the weekend.
The adjective "decorous" is usually used to modify behavior, not people: "...in a decorous manner."

The manager displayed decorous behavior in the meeting, but...

The manager displayed formal decorum during the meeting, but ...
The manager lacked decorum.
Best one of all, DrBob!
Great website is wikiwordy

They provide example sentences for a bunch of words, I use the site for vocab hw and essays, and find it pretty helpful. I did a quick search for "decorum" and there are several sentences to look at. Hope it helps.
i do i use Furthermore in a sentences