1. Select the correct answer from the list.
1 catastrophe 2 disaster
2. Read the following poem.
The giant walks along the beach
He takes his cat along with him
But careful he is to make sure each
Don’t get lost when the sun sets dim.
Determine the rhyme scheme pattern for the poem.
ABAB *my answer*
Read the following passage:
The slimy, green monster trudged along with a horrific slurping sound. Upon passing a river, he noticed a burly, green lump moving along beside him. How terrifying, he thought to himself as he noticed the creature continued to follow him. He picked up his pace, but the creature would not cease to follow him. Finally, he moved away from the river and the creature disappeared!
Explain what hints in the passage allow you to infer that the creature in the river is actually the monster walking along it.
We know that the creature in the river is the monster because the text states that the monster, “upon passing a river,” notices the creature "moving" next to him.
We know that the creature in the river is the monster because the text states that it “continues to follow him” and then disappears when "he moved away" from the river. *my answer*
We know that the creature in the river is the monster because the text states that a “slimy green monster trudged along with a horrific slurping sound.”
4. Read the following passage:
Noelle often would sit by herself at lunch. She was often too shy to go and introduce herself to her classmates. One day, a new boy at school decided to sit next to her. She was terrified that he might talk to her, mostly because she felt she never knew what to say and often did not have anything in common with her peers.
Later that evening, she decided to ask her mother what to do. Her mother told her that sometimes other students feel the same way and that it couldn’t hurt to try introducing herself.
The next day, Noelle chose to say hello to the boy. It turned out he knew about all sorts of things that she was interested in too!
Which two statements describe themes found in the passage? Select the two correct answers.
response - incorrect
Most people have difficulty in new situations. *my first answer*
There is no cure for being shy.
Doing things by yourself is often much easier.
Trying new things can lead to great experiences.*my 2nd answer*
It is best to keep to oneself.
5. Oliver has to create a summary for his social studies class about the beginning of westward expansion in the United States. Which option describes something Oliver should include in his summary?
Oliver’s opinion about whether it was a good idea to expand
subjective writing that contains one point of view of one of the travelers
the main events leading to the expansion of the country
details about each passenger of the caravans that traveled west
hey y,all! all you need to do is look at my answers I think they're all correct but I am not sure to please look over them. my answer and questions are coming...
6 answers
oops sorry here's more...
5. Oliver has to create a summary for his social studies class about the beginning of westward expansion in the United States. Which option describes something Oliver should include in his summary?
Oliver’s opinion about whether it was a good idea to expand
subjective writing that contains one point of view of one of the travelers
the main events leading to the expansion of the country *my answer*
details about each passenger of the caravans that traveled west
Oliver’s opinion about whether it was a good idea to expand
subjective writing that contains one point of view of one of the travelers
the main events leading to the expansion of the country *my answer*
details about each passenger of the caravans that traveled west
there's more just wait...
you know what I am just going to do it this way...
I just submitted it here you are...
1. 1 catastrophe 2 disaster
3. We know that the creature in the river is the monster because the text states that it “continues to follow him” and then disappears when "he moved away" from the river.
4. Most people have difficulty in new situations. *my first answer*
Trying new things can lead to great experiences.*my 2nd answer
5. the main events leading to the expansion of the country
6. tells the perspectives of multiple characters=third person omniscient:
is told by a narrator outside of the story= third person limited and third-person omniscient: uses the pronoun I= first person:uses the pronouns she, he, they, it=third person limited and third-person omniscient:is told by the main character=first person
7. takes historical events and expands on them=historical fiction
divided into stanzas=poetry contains magic and fairy tale elements=fantasy
includes science and technology=science fiction
8. science fiction
9. to give the reader the image of the waves curling up
10. Simon’s mom drove him to his very first practice.
11. I don't need help
12. don't need help
13. don't need help
and 14. don't need help
1. 1 catastrophe 2 disaster
3. We know that the creature in the river is the monster because the text states that it “continues to follow him” and then disappears when "he moved away" from the river.
4. Most people have difficulty in new situations. *my first answer*
Trying new things can lead to great experiences.*my 2nd answer
5. the main events leading to the expansion of the country
6. tells the perspectives of multiple characters=third person omniscient:
is told by a narrator outside of the story= third person limited and third-person omniscient: uses the pronoun I= first person:uses the pronouns she, he, they, it=third person limited and third-person omniscient:is told by the main character=first person
7. takes historical events and expands on them=historical fiction
divided into stanzas=poetry contains magic and fairy tale elements=fantasy
includes science and technology=science fiction
8. science fiction
9. to give the reader the image of the waves curling up
10. Simon’s mom drove him to his very first practice.
11. I don't need help
12. don't need help
13. don't need help
and 14. don't need help