Hey! Just Want A Quick Check Over My Answers!

1. How Did The Zimmermann Note Lead The United States Closer To War?

A. It Caused The United States To End Diplomatic Relations With Germany. *
B. It Resulted In More U-Boat Attacks On American Ships.
C. It Increased American Public Opinion Against Germany.*
D. It Spread Democracy And The Allied Cause.
(I think It's Either A Or C.)

2. How did United domestic policy boost production during the war?

A. The Government Determined What Foods People Could Eat And Grow.
B. Agencies Oversaw Factories To Determine How Resources Should Be Divided.*
C. New Policies Prioritized Military Production Over Private Industries.
D. Americans Worked Longer Hours To Increase Productivity.

3. How Did The United States Raise Money To Pay For The War?

A. American Citizens Loaned The Government Money By Buying Liberty Bonds.*
B. Women Worked In Factories To Increase Production For The Nation.
C. The Government Encouraged Immigration To Boost The Economy.
D. Speakers Urged Individuals To Contribute Finances To The War.

4. How Did President Wilson React To The Russian Revolution?

A. He Welcomed It Because It Removed The Czar From Power.*
B. He Opposed It Because It Broke Up Their Wartime Alliance.
C. He Supported It For Withdrawing The Nation From The War.
D. He Condemned It For Destroying A Democratic Government.

5. President Wilson's Statement "The World Must Be Made Safe For Democracy" Was Made To Justify What Decision?
A. To End U.S Imperialism.
B. To Support Tariff Reform.
C. To Send Troops To Mexico To Capture Pancho Villa.
D. To Ask Congress To Declare War Against Germany.*

7 answers

1. C
2. C or B...both are correct
3. A
4. A
5. D
100% I promise :)
Thx they were right
they were right :3 <3 thankies
KKK was right! 100%
Mine only has 3 questions
they are right!!! thanks