Hey just need my answers checked again please!

1. The property pledged by the debtor as security for the debt is the
A. surety
B. credit
C. interest
D. collateral

I chose D.

2. The person the agent deals with on behalf of the principal is called the
A. co-agent
B. proprietor
C. servant
D. third party

I chose A.

3. The person who receives the proceeds of insurance is the
A. policy holder
B. beneficiary
C. insurer
D. recipient

I chose B

4. Liability to pay only under certain conditions is _____ liability
A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
D. surety

I chose B.

5. A corporation that is formed in a state other than that in which it operates is said to be a _______ corporation
A. for-profit
B. domestic
C. foreign
D. alien

I chose D.